All Collections
Super Admins and Managers
Get in touch with Omnipresent as a Client
How to check employee expenses
How to manage employee performance
Job titles Omnipresent does not support
Understanding Omnipresent's policy on joining bonuses
What is the difference between an Employee and a Contractor?
Does Omnipresent conduct background checks?
What is an offer letter and how do I get it?
Returning office equipment
Contractual compensation
Hiring in Italy - Frequently Asked Questions
VAT and your invoice
Credit Notes and Refunds
When to expect your invoices.
Understanding invoices
Can we tie a salary to a different currency?
Can we receive invoices in another currency?
My invoice doesn’t reflect the requested variable compensation or expenses
Why is a deposit required?
Sign up for direct debit payments
Where to find invoices and credit notes
Late payment fees
Kolleno and making online payments
Account balances with Omnipresent
Final Invoice FAQs
Deposit and Salary Pre-Payment invoices
New Policy Announcement: Pre-Funding for Large Bonuses
OmniPlatform manager permissions
How do I approve employee expenses?
How do I add a new employee?
How do I edit employee information?
Process a one-off bonus, commission, or allowance payment to an employee.
Bulk salary changes
Approving timesheets
How to request a termination for EOR
Change an employee's salary
Troubleshooting your .csv
Cancel a termination
Edit company details in the OmniPlatform
How to initiate the relocation process for an employee.
Request a termination for a PEO/VE employee
Add a recurring allowance
How to update your OmniPlatform email address
Approving Timesheets: Germany
Add a new Employee for PEO/VE/VEO
Omnipresent Extends Payroll Cut-Off Dates to the 15th
Representation on Bonus Payments Authorised