Late payment fees

Why are there late payment fees on my invoice?

Anna avatar
Written by Anna
Updated over a week ago

Omnipresent operates on a model that requires timely payments from our customers to ensure seamless operations. When payments are delayed, it creates challenges in maintaining this smooth flow.

What are the fees?

Late fees consist of a flat late fee, plus interest based on the value of the unpaid amount and the number of days it was unpaid in a set period. The period is 14th to 14th of each month. That flat fee is £250 but is not applied in all cases.

In cases where the interest accrued is less than the flat fee (£250 or equivalent), we only charge the interest. Please see the example below:

When the interest is more than the flat fee (£250 or equivalent), we charge the flat fee and interest. These will appear as 2, separate charges. Please see the example below:

When are late fees applied?

Our terms request payment 7 days after the receipt of an invoice. Invoices paid after this payment may incur a late payment fee, plus interest based on the value of the unpaid amount and the number of days it was unpaid in a set period. This policy is in place to manage the costs associated with delayed payments and to encourage prompt payment.

Disputing late payment fees

You can dispute the fees by reaching out to If there's a dispute over part of an invoice, it's still important to pay the invoice on time, in full. This helps us keep operations running smoothly. Refunds will be issued promptly after a dispute investigation is completed.

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