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How do I approve employee expenses?

How to review and approve employee expenses in the OmniPlatform

Anna avatar
Written by Anna
Updated over a year ago

With the OmniPlatform, you can review and approve your employees' expenses. Here's how:

  1. Log into OmniPlatform. If there are any expenses waiting to be approved, you'll be notified in the Dashboard. Access them directly from the dashboard by clicking 'View expense(s)'.

  2. Alternatively, find the 'Expenses' tab within the 'Team' dropdown in the left sidebar.

  3. On the 'Expenses' page, pending expenses will be shown at the top of the list. You can also filter the expenses by employee, date range, status (Approved, Info needed, Pending, Rejected), category, and pay date (only for the already approved expenses). Click Clear to remove previous filters.

  4. To view the details of a single expense, click into it.

  5. To view the details of multiple expenses at once, select all the expenses you want to review. Click Download CSV to download a .csv file with the expenses' details, or click down arrow > Download Attachments to receive a .zip file with all the attachments to your email.

  6. Review the proof of purchase and make a decision to '-Approve-' the expense, '-Reject-' it, or '-Request change-' from the employee. You can also approve expenses in bulk, by selecting multiple expenses and clicking '-Approve-'.

  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each expense until all expenses have been reviewed and their status changed to '-Approved-', '-Info needed-', or '-Rejected-'.

For every approved expense you'll be able to see with which month's payroll is it going to be paid out.

Please note: Expenses must be submitted and approved by the 6th of each month in order for them to be paid out the same month. For example, expenses submitted and approved by the 6th of January will appear in January's salary for the employee.

Expenses approved on the 6th of January will be paid out to the employee with their February salary.

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