To make a salary change for a single employee or in bulk, click on the 'Team' in the left-hand side menu, then select 'Salary Change'.
Please note: If you make a compensation request (salary increase) after the payroll cut-off date, it will go into force within the next month's payout cycle.
Important: In many places, salary decreases are not automatically lawful and require careful consideration of the relevant labor laws and regulations. Please always include a reason for salary decreases.
Before you begin:
For making salary changes in large volumes, you can upload a .csv file; see Bulk compensation changes.
Make a salary change for one person at a time:
Step 1. Navigate to the 'Salary Change' tab in the OmniPlatform as a Super Admin or Manager. Please note as a regular Manager, you will only be able to change the salary of your direct reports.
Step 2. To make a salary change for one person, use the 'Submit compensation change' button in the top-right corner.
Step 3. Select 'Salary' from the list.
Step 4. Search for the employee by name and select them from the list.
Step 5. Under 'Reason', select one of the available options:
Step 6. Input the new annual gross salary. The currency will be preselected, and match the one in which the employee is getting paid. Adjust working hours, job title/description, and any additional notes as appropriate.
Step 7. Enter the effective date. This can be any date in the past or future. If it's in the past, the salary difference will be backdated to this point.
Step 8. Once ready, click 'Submit'. Your salary change has gone through and we will process it accordingly.
Please note: if you make a salary increase request after the payroll cut-off date, it will go into force within the next month's payout cycle. As a client manager, you will see the new salary reflected in the OmniPlatform as soon as you make the change. As the employee, you will see the new salary on the date it comes into effect.
What happens once a salary change has been submitted?
To allow you to decide where and when to share details of salary changes, there are no automated notifications for salary change requests to the employee. Please make sure to let employees know of the salary change when you submit it. Our team will issue paperwork to the employee regarding the salary change so the employee should be aware of the change and expect any paperwork.
Job title change
To change a job title, follow the instructions for a salary change (above).
Input the new job title when asked.
Enter the 'New annual gross salary' to equal the 'Current annual gross salary' amount.
Click 'Submit'.