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About Omnipresent
What does Omnipresent do?
What does Omnipresent do?
Anna avatar
Written by Anna
Updated over a week ago

Omnipresent makes it easy for businesses to hire, pay, and manage talent in over 160 countries and regions worldwide. We remove the complexities of global employment compliance, payroll, and benefits through the Employer of Record model.

Omnipresent works with a global network of local entities and benefits providers to ensure our clients remain compliant with local employment laws and take care of international team members - like you and you employees!

How does it work?

Once a new employee has been added through the OmniPlatform and everything is in order, we will send over an employment contract to the employee. When this is signed off, a member of our dedicated onboarding team will be in touch to ensure a smooth onboarding. Employees and employers alike will have access to the OmniPlatform, our online platform.

Learn more about how Omnipresent works and how to use the OmniPlatform:
โ€‹For employees

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