Local structures:
Aktiengesellschaft (AG) (Public limited company)
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) (Private limited company)
Offene Gesellschaft (OG) (General partnership)
Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) (Limited partnership)
Stille Gesellschaft (stG) (Partnership by estoppel)
Gesellschaft des bürgerlichen Rechts (GesbR) (Partnership by contract)
Offene Erwerbsgesellschaft (OEG) (Small general partnership)
Kommanditerwerbsgesellschaft (KEG) (Small limited partnership)
Genossenschaft (Gen) (Cooperative)
Information to provide:
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Austria
Name: Firmenbuchnummer
Typical format: 2 letters + 6 numbers + 1 letter (LLXXXXXXL)
Possible variation: 1-6 numbers + 1 letter (XXXXXXL)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Extract from the Firmenbuchauszug Registry, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Gesellschaftsvertrag or partnership agreement, the latest signed version.
For more information about business registration in Austria, please see the City of Vienna's website.
Local structures:
Naamloze vennootschap (NV) / Société Anonyme (SA) (Public limited company)
Besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (BVBA) / Société privée à responsabilité limitée (SPRL) (Private limited company)
Coöperatieve vennootschappen met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (CVBA) / Société coopérative (SCRL) (Limited liability cooperative)
Coöperatieve vennootschappen met onbeperkte aansprakelijkheid (CVOA) / Société coopérative (SCRI) (Unlimited liability cooperative)
Eenpersoons besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid (EBVBA) / Société privée à responsabilité limitée unipersonnelle (SPRLU) (Single member limited company)
Vennootschap onder firma (VOF) / Société en nom collectif (SNC) (General partnership)
Commanditaire vennootschap (Comm.V) / Société en commandite simple (SCS) (Limited partnership)
Commanditaire vennootschap op aandelen (Comm.VA) / Société en commandite par actions (SCA) (Publicly traded partnership)
Economisch samenwerkingsverband (ESV) / Groupement d'intérêt économique (GIE) (Economic interest grouping)
Information to provide:
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Company number in Belgium
Name: Vestigingseenheidsnummer / Numéro d'entreprise
Typical format: 10 numbers (XXXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Screenshot of the entity's data from the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (KBO / BCE), not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Articles of association, the latest signed version.
Local structures:
Sabiratelno Druzhestvo (SD)
Komanditno druzhestvo (KD)
Druzhestvo s ogranichena otgovornost (OOD)
Ednolichno druzhestvo s ogranichena otgovornost (EOOD)
Aktzionerno druzhestvo (AD)
Information to provide:
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Bulgaria
Typical format: 9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX)
Possible variation: 13 numbers (XXXXXXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Certificate from the Registry Agency (portal), not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Constituent Act, the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures:
Dioničko društvo (d.d.) (Public limited company)
Društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću (d.o.o.) (Private company limited by shares)
Jednostavno društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću (j.d.o.o.) (Private limited company)
Javno trgovačko društvo (General partnership)
Komanditno društvo (k.d.) (Limited partnership)
Gospodarsko interesno udruženje (GIU) (Economic interest grouping)
Zadruga (Cooperative)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Croatia
Name: Matični broj poslovnog subjekta (MBS)
Typical format: 11 numbers (XXXXXXXXXXX)
Possible variation: 8 numbers (XXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Certificate of incorporation from the Commercial Court Register, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Članak (articles), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures:
Private limited company
Public limited company
Company limited by guarantees
General partnership
Limited partnership
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Cyprus
Name: Αριθμός Μητρώου Εταιρίας Şirket kayıt numarası
Typical format: 2 letters + 6 numbers (HEXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Certificate of incorporation from the Department of the Registrar of Companies, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
καταστατικό (statutes), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Czech Republic
Czech Republic
Local structures:
Akciová společnost (a.s.) (Public limited company)
Společnost s ručením omezeným (s.r.o.) (Limited liability company)
Veřejná obchodní společnost (v.o.s) (General commercial partnership)
Komanditní společnost (k.s) (Limited partnership)
Družstvo (Cooperative)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Czech Republic
Name: Identifikační číslo
Typical format: 8 numbers (XXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Certificate of incorporation from the Registry of the Regional Commercial Court (Krajský / Městský soud), not older than 3 months. For more information, see the ARES website.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Stanovy (statutes), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures:
Anpartsselskab (ApS) (Private limited company)
Aktieselskab (A/S) (Public limited company)
Kommanditselskab (K/S) (Limited partnership)
Interessentskab (I/S) (General partnership)
Partnerselskab or Kommanditaktieselskab (P/S) (Partnership limited by shares)
Andelsselskab med begrænset ansvar (A.M.B.A) (Limited liability co-operative)
Forening med begrænset ansvar (F.M.B.A) (Limited liability voluntary association)
Selskab med begrænset ansvar (S.M.B.A) (Limited liability company)
Iværksætterselskab (IVS) (Entrepreneurial limited company)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Company number in Denmark
Name: CVR-nummer
Typical format: 8 numbers (XXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Registreringscertifikat or Registeringsbevis (certificate of registration) from the Central Business Register, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Vedtægter (statutes), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures:
Osaühing (OÜ) (Private limited company)
Aktsiaselts (AS) (Public limited company)
Usaldusühing (UÜ) (Limited partnership)
Täisühing (TÜ) (General partnership)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Estonia
Name: Kood
Typical format: 8 numbers (XXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Extract from the Business Register (E-äriregistri), not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Põhikiri (articles), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures:
Osakeyhtiö (Oy) (Private company limited by shares)
Julkinen osakeyhtiö (Oyj) (Public limited company)
Avoin yhtiö (Ay) (General partnership)
Kommandiittiyhtiö (Ky) (Limited partnership)
Osuuskunta (osk) (Cooperative)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Finland
Name: Y-tunnus FO-nummer
Typical format: 8 numbers (XXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Electronic extract from the Virre trade register, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Yhtiöjärjestys (articles of association), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures:
Société Anonyme (SA) (Public limited company)
Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) (Limited liability company)
Entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limitée (EURL) (Sole proprietorship with limited liability)
Société par actions simplifiée (SAS) (Simplified joint stock company)
Société par actions simplifiée unipersonnelle (SASU) (Simplified one-person joint-stock company)
Exploitation agricole à responsabilité limitée (EARL) (Farm with limited liability)
Société en nom collectif (SNC) (General partnership)
Groupement d'Intérêt économique (GIE) (Economic interest grouping)
Groupement agricole d'exploitation en commun (GAEC) (Agricultural group operating in common)
Société coopérative d'intérêt collectif (SCIC) (Collective interest cooperative society)
Société civile (Civil society)
Société civile d’exploitation agricole (Civil society of agricultural exploitation)
Société cotée, régulée, fonds d'investissements (Listed company, regulated company, investment funds)
Société d'exercice libéral à responsabilité limitée à associé unique (Sole-shareholder limited liability private practice company)
Société de portage salarial (Payroll company)
Société coopérative ouvrière de production à forme anonyme (Cooperative worker production company in anonymous form)
Société coopérative de production (SCOP) (Production cooperative society)
Indivision entre personnes physiques (2110) (Joint ownership between natural persons)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in France
Typical formats:
9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Kbis extract from Infogreffe, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Statutes, the latest signed version.
Local structures:
Aktiengesellschaft (AG) (Public limited company)
Offene Handelsgesellschaft (OHG) (General partnership)
Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) (Limited partnership)
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) (Private limited company)
Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien (GmbH & Co or AG & Co) (Publicly traded partnership)
UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (Simple partnership)
eGbR (Eingetragene Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts - Registered Partnership under Civil law)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Germany
Name: Nummer der Firma Registernummer
Typical format: 2-3 letters + 6 numbers (LLXXXXXX)
Possible variations:
2-3 letters + 1-6 numbers (LLLXXXX)
2-3 letters + 1-6 numbers + 1 letter (LLLXXXXXXL)
2-3 letters + 1-6 numbers + 1-2 letter (LLLXXXXXXLL)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Handelsregisterauszug from the Common Register Portal or the Company Register, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Gesellschaftsvertrag or Gründungsurkunde, the latest signed version.
For UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Musterprotokoll is accepted if the entity doesn't have the Gesellschaftsvertrag.
For eGbR, Partnership Agreement or Articles of Partnership if available, Shareholder Declaration if not.
Local structures:
Anónimi Etaireía / Ανώνυμη Εταιρεία (Α.Ε.) (Public limited company)
Eterórrithmi Etaireía / Ετερόρρυθμη Εταιρία (Ε.Ε.) (Limited partnership)
Etaireía Periorisménis Efthínis / Εταιρεία Περιορισμένης Ευθύνης (Ε.Π.Ε.) (Private company limited by shares)
Monoprósopi Etaireía Periorisménis Efthínis / Μονοπρόσωπη Ε.Π.Ε. (Μ.Ε.Π.Ε.) (Private company limited by shares)
Omórrithmi Etaireía / Ομόρρυθμη Εταιρεία (Ο.Ε.) (General partnership)
Idiotiki Kefalaiouchiki Etaireía / Ιδιωτική Κεφαλαιουχική Εταιρεία (I.K.E) (Private company)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Greece
Name: τον Αριθμό Γενικού Εμπορικού Μητρώου τον Αριθμό Φορολογικού Μητρώου (Α.Φ.Μ.)
Typical format: 12 numbers (XXXXXXXXXXXX)
Possible variation: 9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license (excluding old pink license)
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Notice of registration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry or the Business Registry of ΚΕΕ, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Articles of association, the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures:
Korlátolt felelősségű társaság (kft.) (Limited liability company)
Nyilvánosan működő részvénytársaság (Nyrt) (Public limited company listed on the stock exchange)
Zártközűen működő részvénytársaság (Zrt.) (Privately held company (same as Nyrt but not listed))
Betéti társaság (bt.) (Limited partnership)
Közkereseti társaság (kkt.) (General partnership)
Szövetkezet (szov) (Cooperative)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Hungary
Name: Cégjegyzékszáma
Typical format: 2 letters + 10 numbers (LLXXXXXXXXXX)
Possible variation: 10 numbers (XXXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Company register extract from the companies registry, not older than 3 months. More information on the Ministry of Justice website.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Alapszabály (articles), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures:
Private company limited by shares (LTD)
Designated activity company (DAC)
Designated activity company limited by guarantee (DAC)
Company limited by guarantee (CLG)
Public limited company (PLC)
Unlimited company
European economic interest groupings (EEIG)
Private unlimited company
Public company having a share capital
Public unlimited company not having a share capital
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Ireland
Name: Company Number
Typical format: 6 numbers (XXXXXX)
Possible variation: 5 numbers (XXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Signed company printout from the Companies Registration Office (search portal), not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Form of constitution or memorandum and articles of association, the latest signed version.
Local structures:
Societa a responsabilita limitata (S.r.l) (Limited liability company)
Societa per azioni (S.p.a) (Joint stock company)
Società Cooperativa a responsabilita limitata (S.c.r.l) (Limited liability cooperative company)
Società semplice (S.s) (Simple partnership)
Societa in nome collettivo (S.n.c) (General partnership)
Societa in accomandita semplice (S.a.s) (Simple limited partnership)
Società in Accomandita Per Azioni (S.a.p.a) (Limited partnership for shares)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Italy
Name: Codice fiscale
Typical format: 11 numbers (XXXXXXXXXXX)
Possible variations:
2 letters + 7 numbers (LLXXXXXXX)
2 letters + 6 numbers (LLXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Visura Camerale from the Chamber of Commerce, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Statuto sociale (articles) or Atto costitutivo (deed of incorporation), the latest signed version.
Local structures:
Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību (SIA) (Private company limited by shares)
Akciju sabiedrība (AS) (Public limited company)
Komandītsabiedrība (KS) (Limited partnership)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Latvia
Name: Reģistrācijas numurs
Typical format: 11 numbers (XXXXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Certificate of incorporation from the Business Register, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Dibināšanas līgums (founding agreement), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures:
Uždaroji akcinė bendrovė (UAB) (Private company limited by shares)
Akcinė bendrovė (AB) (Public limited company)
Tikroji ūkinė bendrija (TUB) (General partnership)
Komanditinė ūkinė bendrija (KUB) (Limited partnership)
Mažoji bendrija (MB) (Limited liability partnership)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Lithuania
Name: Juridinio asmens kodas
Typical format: 9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Detailed extract with history from RegistruCentras, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Articles of association, the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures:
Société anonyme (SA) (Public limited company)
Société à responsabilité limitée (SARL) (Limited liability company)
Société en commandite par actions (SECA) (Partnership limited by shares)
Société en commandite simple (SECS) (Limited partnership)
Société en nom collectif (SENC) (General partnership)
Société coopérative (Cooperative)
Société civile (Civil society)
Groupement d’intérêt économique (GIE) (Economic interest group)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Luxembourg
Name: Numéro d'immatriculation
Typical format: 1 letter + 6 numbers (LXXXXXX)
Possible variation: 1 letter (from A to J) + 3-6 numbers
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Extract from the Luxembourg Business Registers (RCS), not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Statutes, the latest signed version.
Local structures considered in this type:
Private limited liability company
Public limited liability company
General partnership
Limited partnership
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Malta
Name: Registration Number
Typical format: 1 letter + 5 numbers (LXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Certificate of registration from the Malta Business Registry (support), not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Memorandum and articles of association, the latest signed version.
Local structures considered in this type:
Besloten Vennootschap (BV) (Private limited company)
Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV) (Limited partnership)
Naamloze Vennootschap (NV) (Limited liability company)
Coöperatie (Cooperative)
Maatschap (Partnership)
Vennootschap onder firma (VOF) (Partnership firm)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Netherlands
Name: KvK-nummer
Typical format: 8 numbers (XXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
KvK uittreksel from the Chamber of Commerce, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Statuten (statutes), the latest signed version.
Local structures considered in this type:
Aksjeselskap (AS) (Limited company)
Ansvarlig selskap (ANS) (General partnership)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Norway
Name: TIN
Typical format: 11 numbers (XXXXXXXXXXX)
Possible variation: 9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Registration proof of the legal entity
Certificate of incorporation from the Brønnøysundregistrene, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Vedtekter (memorandum of association), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures considered in this type:
Spółka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnosia (z.o.o.) (Limited liability company)
Spółka akcyjna (S. A.) (Joint stock company)
Spółka Jawna (Sp.J.) (General partnership)
Spółka Komandytowa (Sp. K.) (Limited partnership)
Spółka Komandytowo-Akcyjna (S.K.A.) (Limited joint-stock partnership)
Spółka cywilna (s.c.) (Civil partnership)
Spółka partnerska (sp.p.) (Partnership)
Spółdzielnia (Cooperative)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Poland
Name: Numer w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym (numer KRS)
Typical format: 8 numbers (XXXXXXXX)
Possible variations:
6 numbers (XXXXXX)
9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX)
10 numbers (XXXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Extract from the Centralna Informacja Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Akt Notarialny (notarial deed), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures considered in this type:
Sociedade Anonima (SA) (Public limited company)
Sociedade por quotas (Private limited company)
Sociedade em nome colectivo (Private limited company)
Sociedade em comandita simples (Simple limited partnership)
Sociedade em comandita por acçoes (Limited liability company)
Sociedade unipessoal por quotas (Single shareholder company)
Establecimento individual de responsabilidade limitada (EIRL) (Private limited liability company)
Sociedade em comandita (Limited partnership)
Agrupamento complementar de empresas (ACE) (Complementary grouping of companies)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Portugal
Name: Número de Identificação Pessoa Coletiva (NIPC)
Typical format: 9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX)
Possible variation: 3-6 numbers (XXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Valid certidão permanente from the Registo Comercial.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Estatutos (statutes), the latest signed version.
Local structures considered in this type:
Akciová společnost (a.s.) (Public limited company)
Společnost s ručením omezeným (s.r.o.) (Limited liability company)
Veřejná obchodní společnost (v.o.s) (General commercial partnership)
(k.s) (Limited partnership)
Družstvo (Cooperative)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Romania
Name: Număr de ordine în Registrul Comerţului
Typical format: 8 numbers (XXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Certificate from the National Trade Register Office, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Memorandum de asociere (memorandum of association), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures considered in this type:
Akciová spoločnosť (a.s) (Public limited company)
Spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným (s.r.o) (Private company limited by shares)
Komanditná spoločnosť (k.s) (Limited liability partnership)
Verejná obchodná spoločnosť (v.o.s) (General partnership)
Družstvo (Cooperative)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Slovakia
Name: Identifikačného čísla Identification number
Typical format: 8 numbers (XXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Extract from the Business Register of the District Court, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Memorandum asociácie (memorandum of association), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures considered in this type:
Delniška družba (d.d.) (Public limited company)
Družba z omejeno odgovornostjo (d.o.o.) (Private company limited by shares)
Družba z neomejeno odgovornostjo (d.n.o) (Unlimited company)
Komanditna družba (k.d) (Limited partnership)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Slovenia
Name: Matična številka
Typical format: 10 numbers (XXXXXXXXXX)
Possible variation: 7 - 10 numbers (XXXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Certificate from the Slovenian Business Register, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Akt O Ustanovitvi (memorandum of association), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures considered in this type:
Sociedad Anonima (SA) (Public limited company)
Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (SRL) (Limited liability company)
Sociedad Limitada (S.L.L.) (Limited company)
Sociedad Limitada Nueva Empresa ( SLNE) (New limited company)
Sociedad Colectiva (SC) (Collective company)
Sociedad Comanditaria Simple (Simple limited partnership)
Sociedad Cooperativa (S.Coop.) (Cooperative)
Sociedad Civil (Civil society)
Comunidad de bienes (Community of goods)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Spain
Name: Número de identificación fiscal (NIF)
Typical format: 1 letter + 8 numbers (LXXXXXXXX)
Possible variation: 1 letter + 7 numbers + 1 letter (LXXXXXXXL)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
One of the following, not older than three months:
Extract from the Registro Mercantil Central
Extract from the Registradores de Espana (Información General Mercantil)
Modelo 600 (Sociedad Civil only)
Articles of association of the legal entity
Escrituras (statutes), the latest signed version.
Local structures considered in this type:
Aktiebolag (AB) (Limited liability company)
Handelsbolag (HB) (General partnership)
Kommanditbolag (KB) (Limited partnership)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Sweden
Name: Organisationsnummer
Typical format: 10 numbers (XXXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Tax ID
Registration proof of the legal entity
Certificate of registration from the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) or Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Bolagsordning (articles), the latest signed version.
Note – Translation may be required (except for identity proof)
An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese:
Registration proof
Articles of association
Both the translation and the original must be submitted together in the same KYC Document.
Local structures considered in this type:
Aktiengesellschaft (AG) (Joint-stock company)
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) (Limited liability company)
Wirtschaftliche Interessengemeinschaft (wlG) (Economic interest group)
Einfache Gesellschaft (eG) (Simple society)
Kollektivgesellschaft (KolG) (General partnership)
Kommanditgesellschaft (KG) (Limited partnership)
Kommanditaktiengesellschaft (KomAG) (Limited stock corporation)
Genossenschaft Kollektivgesellschaft (KolG) (Cooperative general society)
Kommanditaktiengesellschaft (KomAG) (Limited stock corporation)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in Switzerland
Name: UID
Typical format: 9 numbers (XXXXXXXXX)
Possible variation: CHE + 9 numbers (CHEXXXXXXXXX)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Proof of registration from the companies UID-Register, not older than 3 months.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Statutes, the latest signed version.
For the following local structures, articles of association may not be available, in which case a Shareholder declaration is required instead:
Kollektivgesellschaft (KolG)
Kommanditgesellschaft (KG)
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Local structures considered in this type:
Private Limited Company (Ltd)
Private Company limited by shares
Public Limited Company (PLC)
Company Limited by Guarantee
Unlimited Company (UNLTD)
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
General Partnership
Limited Partnership (LP)
Private partnership
Community Interest Company (CIC)
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
Country number in UK
Name: Company Number or Registration Number
Typical format: 8 numbers (XXXXXXXX)
Possible variations:
7 numbers (XXXXXXX)
OC + 6 numbers (OCXXXXXX)
SC + 6 numbers (SCXXXXXX)
NI + 6 numbers (NIXXXXXX)
R + 7 numbers (RXXXXXXX)
IP + 5 numbers + R (IPXXXXXR)
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of legal rep - can be one of these documents:
Driving license
National ID card
Residence permit
Registration proof of the legal entity
Latest confirmation statement or annual return from Companies House, not older than 3 months. If not available, certificate of incorporation.
Articles of association of the legal entity
Certificate of incorporation, the latest signed version.
Countries outside the EEA
Countries outside the EEA
Information to provide
The legal user must provide the following information:
For the legal entity
Registered name
Registered address of the entity’s headquarters
Company number
For the legal representative
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Country of residence
For each beneficial owner
First name
Last name
Date of birth
Birthplace city and country
Documents to provide:
Identity proof of the legal representative
National ID card (excluding paper-based versions)
Driving license (excluding paper-based versions)
Residence permit (excluding paper-based versions)
National health insurance card (excluding paper-based versions)
Residence permit
Driving license
USA, Canada, Australia
Driving license
National ID card
Other countries outside the EEA
Registration proof of the legal entity
Registration proof from the official national registry, not older than 3 months.
The document must contain:
Registered legal name of the entity
Legal form or structure
Country of incorporation or organization
Registered address (and place of main business, if different)
Official identification number
Legal representative
Articles of association of the legal entity
Articles of association, the latest signed version.