Country | Local structures | Identity proof of legal rep | Registration proof of the legal entity | Articles of association of the legal entity | Note |
Austria | Verein (Nonprofit association) | The accepted documents depend on the country of issue. For more information, see the Requirements for natural persons. | Vereinsregisterauszug from the Bundesministerium fûr inneres, not older than 3 months. | Vereinsstatuten, the latest signed version. |
Belgium | Vereniging zonder winstoogmerk (VZW) / Association sans but lucratif (ASBL) (Nonprofit association) | Same | Screenshot of the entity's data from the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (KBO / BCE), not older than 3 months. | Articles of association, the latest signed version. |
Bulgaria | Asociația non-profit (Nonprofit association) | Same | Screenshot of the organization's data from NGOBG, not older than 3 months. | УСТАВ (statutes), the latest signed version. | An official translation into English or French, signed by a certified sworn translator, is required for the following documents if they are not in English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian or Portuguese: |
Croatia | Neprofitna udruga (Nonprofit association) | Same | Proof of registration at the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration, not older than 3 months. | Članak (statutes), the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Cyprus | - | Same | Founding act, not older than 3 months. | Memorandum of association, the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Czech Republic | Zapsaný spolek (z.s.) (Voluntary association) | Same | Proof of registration from the Registry of the Regional Commercial Court (Krajský / Městský soud, portal), not older than 3 months. | Stanovy (statutes), the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Denmark | Forening (Nonprofit association) | Same | Proof of registration from the Central Business Register, not older than 3 months. | Vedtægter (statutes), the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Estonia | Mittetulundusühing (MTÜ) (Nonprofit organisation) | Same | Asutamisleping (memorandum of association) from the Business Register (E-äriregistri), not older than 3 months. More information available on the Riigi Teataja website | Põhikiri (articles), the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Finland | Rekisteröity yhdistys (ry) (Registed association with legal personality) | Same | Registration proof from the Register of Associations, not older than 3 months. | Articles of association or statutes, the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
France | Association (Association) | Same | One of the following: | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
Germany | Eingetragener Verein (eV) (Registered association) | Same | One of the following from the Common Register Portal, not older than 3 months: | Satzung, the latest signed version. |
Greece | - | Same | Proof of registration from the Independent Public Revenue Authority (GEMI), not older than 3 months. | ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟ (statutes), the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Hungary | - | Same | Proof of registration from the relevant national registry, not older than 3 months. | Articles of association, the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Ireland | Foundation | Same | Proof of registration from the Register of Charities, not older than 3 months. | Memorandum and articles of associations, the latest signed version. |
Italy | Associazione (Association) | Same | Certificate from the Agenzia Entrate, not older than 3 months. | Statuto (statutes), the latest signed version. |
Latvia | Bezpeļņas organizācija (BO) (Nonprofit organization) | Same | Proof of registration from the Register of Associations and Foundations of the Business Register, not older than 3 months. | Asociācijas statūti (association statutes), the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Lithuania | Viešoji įstaiga (VšĮ) (Nonprofit organization) | Same | Proof of registration from RegistruCentras, not older than 3 months. | ĮStatai (statutes), the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Luxembourg | Association sans but lucratif (Nonprofit organization) | Same | Extract from the Luxembourg Business Registers (RCS), not older than 3 months. | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
Malta | - | Same | Proof of registration from the Malta Business Registry (support), not older than 3 months. | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
Netherlands | Stichting (Foundation) | Same | KvK uittreksel from the Chamber of Commerce, not older than 3 months. | Statuten (statutes), the latest signed version. |
Norway | Assosiasjon (Association) | Same | Proof of registration of the association, not older than 3 months. | Articles of association, the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Poland | Fundacja (Foundation) | Same | Proof of registration from the Centralna Informacja Krajowego Rejestru Sadowego, not older than 3 months. | Statutes, the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Portugal | Associação (Association) | Same | Documento Inicio de Actividade (founding document), not older than 3 months. | Estatutos (statutes), the latest signed version. |
Romania | - | Same | Proof of registration from the Register of Associations and Foundations at the Registry of the Court (National Trade Register Office), not older than 3 months. | Articles of association, the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Slovakia | - | Same | Proof of registration, not older than 3 months. | Articles of association, the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Slovenia | - | Same | Proof of registration, not older than 3 months. | Articles of association, the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Spain | Asociacion (Association) | Same | Proof of registration from the Registro Nacional de Asociaciones, not older than 3 months. | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
Sweden | Ekonomisk förening (EF) (Cooperative) | Same | Proof of registration from the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket) or Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), not older than 3 months. | Statutes, the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |
Switzerland | Stiftung (Foundation) | Same | Certificate of registration from the Central Business Registry (if monthly income is above 100K CHF), not older than 3 months. If not available, statutes or constitution document (PV), not older than 3 months. | Statutes, the latest signed version. |
United Kingdom | Nonprofit organization | Same | Proof of registration, not older than 3 months, from Companies House, the Charity Commission, or the Scottish Charity Regulator. | Memorandum of association, the latest signed version. |
Countries outside the EEA |
| Same | Registration proof from the official national registry, not older than 3 months. | Articles of association, the latest signed version. | Translation may be required |

Written by Anna
Updated over 11 months ago